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How Mind & Body Expresses Itself Through Physical Mobility and Stability

By now the term “Mind & Body” will be very familiar to you. You would have heard it somewhere or through someone. It’s what’s “hot” at the moment and plenty of so called experts I’m sure have given you their insights. Awesome! And just for fun I’m going to ask you to temporarily forget ALL OF THAT. 

Our bodies are pretty smart and one of the highest intentions of our body and therefor our Unconscious Mind is to preserve itself. Our body is a physical expression of what goes on in our subconscious. Our mind is defined as; the brain in action. Mind & Body are in constant communication with each other. This happens so fast and on so many levels there is no way we can consciously keep up. 

To name but a few, structurally we consist of over 200 bones, over 620 muscles, tendons, veins, arteries and ligaments. In order to ensure we don’t topple over, certain joints have more of an emphasis on either a stability or a mobility role. Just to be clear, each joint has a degree of movement. Some naturally have more than others. 

For instance our feet have more of a stabilizing role, our ankles are more for mobility, our knees stability, hips mobility, lower back and spine for stability, upper cervical spine mobility, shoulders mobility, elbows stability, wrist mobility. There is an ingenious pattern to this. Mobility and stability alternate each other which is a good thing. 

When we experience physical discomfort, tightness, stiffness, loss of range or flexibility causing rigidity or too much range or flexibility leading to instability, we need to pay attention! Especially when these symptoms are persistent or ongoing alarm bells should be firing. This is one of many ways in which our body can express potential underlying emotional/biochemical issues. 

Several years ago out of the blue I started to experience ongoing left sided knee pain. There had been no change in training load, intensity, frequency, NOTHING! At first I put my Physiotherapist hat on and checked out all the biomechanics, muscles firing appropriately you name it. Anything and everything structural was checked out. The result was unchanged. Every time I would go for a run, at about 15min 30 sec, 15min 45 sec into my run I would experience this inside left knee pain. My shoes were all good, I was running on a fairly flat surface so no slanting. I was seriously confused and truth be told, frustrated. I mean with all the knowledge and skills I had, I was unable to figure out what was going on. Until…..I took a step back and looked at the underlying metaphysical connection. I started to realise I was being too rigid/stiff in the career area of my life leading me to feel unstable in the direction I was going. At first this made no logical sense to me. But as I gave it time I found myself loosen up on that underlying issue. The breakthrough I experienced emotionally was so liberating! I gained clarity and a sense of stability in the direction I was headed in my career. Seriously that next day I went for a run and when I got to 15 min 30-45 sec, there was NOTHING! In somewhat disbelief I continued for 1, 2, 5 and 10 minutes not experiencing ANY PAIN whatsoever.  

Of course my logic reason said, well once can be a fluke. So I repeated the same run the next day and again my knee was totally all ok. Since then, I’ve not had any other symptoms. 

Now whenever I experience any discomfort in my body I first identify what the closest joint is and it’s function. Then I ask myself, in what area of my life am I feeling or being too rigid/inflexible or too flexible. The answer doesn’t always come instantaneously, but when I allow my mind to mull it over during a good night sleep it usually becomes apparent to me over the next couple of days.

What is it that your mind & body are communicating to you that you need to pay attention to?  

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